This is for young people ages 13-19years. An average of 100-150 in attendance on Sundays with more attendance recorded during the holiday period. There are about 20 adults who are volunteer workers in the Teens Ministry
• Sunday Worship– They meet during both services every Sunday except the last Sunday of the month to allow them to observe the Lord’s Supper with their parents. Services are held in the Fellowship Hall at the same time the Church services is going on. It is a time for them to worship, interact and learn more about God’s word. They also have the opportunity to ask questions on matters bothering them.
• Fellowship– First and Third Fridays of the month. Various topics are discussed at this meeting. Average attendance is between 25-35. The Church bus is used to drop the teenagers at convenient bus stops after the fellowship.
• Teens’ Camp– 2nd week in August for four days. This is open to other teenagers who are not members of Ikoyi Baptist Church.
• Teens’ Weekend– Held twice in the year.
• Teens’ Christmas party– Held on the third Friday in December.